Major historical events of Nakhchivan region

The 4th and 3rd millennia BC

The Neolithic period in Nakhchivan

The late 4th and 3rd millennia BC

Early Bronze Age. Kur – Araz culture.

The 2nd millennium BC

Nakhchivan culture

Late 9th century BC-7th century BC

Nakhchivan was within Manna state

7th century BC-550 BC

Nakhchivan was within Midiya state

550 BC-330 BC

Nakhchivan was within Ahamani empire

Since late 4th century BC

Nakhchivan was within Atropatena state

Since the 2nd half of 3rd century

Nakhchivan was within Sasani state

30s of the 7th century

Nakhchivan was within Albania state

Since the 2nd half of 7th century

Nakhchivan was within Arab caliphate

Late 9th century-40s of 10th century

Nakhchivan was within Sajilar state


Nakhchivan was within Salarilar state

From 80s of the 10th century to
middle of the 11th century

Nakhchivan kingdom was established


Nakhchivan was within Saljug Empire


Nakhchivan was a capital of Atabaylar-Eldanizlar state

20s of the 12th century-late 12th century

Ajami Abubakr oglu Nakhchivani


The reign of Kizil Arslan
Supreme Madrasa was in operation in Nakhchivan


Construction of Momina Khatun sepulchre


Mongol raids


Collapse of Atabeyler state

30s of the13th century

Nakhchivan was included to Kizil Orda


Nakhchivan was included to Hulakular state


Amir Teymur marched forth to Nakhchivan


Amir Teymur’s troops laid siege to Alinja fortress


Execution of Fezlullah Naimi, the founder of pantheism (Hurufi) sect


Nakhchivan was within Garagoyunlu state


Nakhchivan was within Aghgoyunlu state


Nakhchivan province within Safavi state


Ottoman forces captured Nakhchivan


Nakhchivan was included within Ottoman Empire


Nakhchivan was within Afshar Empire


Nakhchivan khanate was established


Khan of Nakhchivan – Heydargulu khan Kangarli


Khan of Nakhchivan –Haji khan Kangarli


Khan of Nakhchivan – Rahim khan Kangarli


Khan of Nakhchivan – Aligulu khan Kangarli


Khan of Nakhchivan – Valigulu khan Kangarli


Khan of Nakhchivan – Abbasgulu khan Kangarli

September 12, 1801

Period of annexation of Northern territories of Azerbaijan together with Georgia to Russia started


Khan of Nakhchivan –Kalbali khan Kangarli


Khan of Nakhchivan –Abbasgulu khan Kangarli


Khan of Nakhchivan –Kalbali khan Kangarli


The 1st Russo-Persian war

June 15, 1810

Mehri was occupied by Russians

October 12, 1813

Treaty of Gulistan was concluded


Khan of Nakhchivan – Karim khan


Khan of Nakhchivan –Kalbali khan Kangarli


Khan of Nakhchivan –Nazarali khan


Khan of Nakhchivan –Karim khan


Khan of Nakhchivan –Mahammad Baghir khan

May 26, 1827

Occupation of Nakhchivan by the Russian forces

Jule 7, 1827

Occupation of Abbasabad

February 10, 1828

Treaty of Turkmanchay was concluded

March 21, 1828

According to the decree of Nicholas I of Russia, “Armenian province” was established in the territory of Iravan and Nakhchivan khanates of Azerbaijan – bu çıxarılacaq


Ehsan khan Nakhchivanski – judge of Nakhchivan


Kangarli cavalry troops were formed


Nakhchivan District School was open


The second salt mine was opened near Sust village


Nakhchivan uyezd was established.
Nakhchivan was included within the territory of Georgia-Imeretiya province


Caucasus Viceroyalty was established

December 6, 1846

Rescript on land rights of beys (lords) was issued

December 14, 1846

The reform of administrative-territorial division was carried out


Nakhchivan was included within Tiflis province


Commercial school opened in Aylis


“Ganli Gol” water reservoir was built in Kuku village of Shahbuz region

June, 1849

Iravan province was established


Nakhchivan district was within Iravan province

Late 1853

Nakhchivan bey (lord) detachment was established


Elementary school opened in Ordubad

January 1, 1859

“Regulation on Head Office and Caucasus Viceroy Council” was enacted

60s of the 19th century

Shan Girey water reservoir was built

January 24, 1864

Telegraph line connecting Nakhchivan with Julfa situated on the border with Iran and a part of Tiflis-Iravan-Nakhchivan-Julfa telegraph line was put into operation


Construction of Iravan-Julfa highway started


Severe flooding

December 9, 1867

A decree on changing the management of Caucasus and Transcaucasia region

70s of the 19th century

Girls’ school was opened in Aylis.
Salt production and processing in Azerbaijan was built on industrial basis

May 14, 1870

The peasant reform was effected


Sharur-Daralayaz uyezd was established

June 26, 1872

City regulation was approved


Silk weaving factory was put into operation in Ordubad


Ordubad silk products were awarded a gold medal of Moscow trade and industrial exhibition.
“Akhtar” (Stars) school opened in Ordubad.
The first cotton plant was built in Nakhchivan


Drama theatre was established in Nakhchivan


The first library – reading hall was established in Nakhchivan

90s of the 19th century

On M. T. Sidghi’s initiative girls’ school was opened in Nakhchivan


“Tarbiya” school was opened in Nakhchivan


Testing center for silkworm breeding was established by N. Jozefides (France) in Ordubad


The first secular girls’ school was established in Nakhchivan

December 21, 1899

The meeting on silkworm breeding was held in Nakhchivan

May 1, 1900

“The basics of land supply of state villages of Tiflis, Yelizavetpol, Baku and Iravan provinces” was approved by Nicholas II.
Law on land structure of state villagers settled in treasure lands was issued


Armenians committed mass slaughters in Nakhchivan

February 26, 1905

Viceroyalty government was restored in Nakhchivan


Provisional court martial was established in the Caucasus


Transcaucasia  department of the peasant land bank started its activity in Azerbaijan 
Eynali bey Sultanov’s library opened in Nakhchivan


Construction of the railway connecting Ulukhanli and Julfa stations was completed


A branch of Iranian lending bank was established in Julfa


A branch of commercial bank of Tiflis was established in Julfa

December 20, 1912

The special owners were announced for the lands of the villagers living in entrepreneur territories


“El guzgusu” (country’s mirror) theatre society was established in Nakhchivan

May 28, 1918

Azerbaijan Democratic Republic  was established and announced Nakhchivan an integral part of its territory

November 3, 1918

Araz-Turk Republic was founded

February 28, 1919

Nakhchivan general governorship was established by the Azerbaijan Democratic Republic 

March 8, 1919

Delegation of Araz-Turk republic came to Baku

March, 1919

Araz-Turk Republic collapsed

October 24, 1919

William Gaskel, the supreme commander of the Allies’ army issued an order “On establishment of Nakhchivan general governorship”

July 28, 1920

Nakhchivan Soviet Socialist Republic was established

July 29, 1920

Revolutionary Committee of Nakhchivan was appointed

September, 1920

Dashnak-armenian military units attacked Nakhchivan

September 18, 1920

Ordubad was released from the dashnak-armenian military units

January, 1921

90 percent of Nakhchivan population voted for the consolidation with Azerbaijan SSR in the autonomous status

March 16, 1921

Moscow agreement was concluded

October 13, 1921

Treaty of Kars was concluded

February 27, 1923

All-Nakhchivan congress of Soviets addressed the Azerbaijan CEC on the inclusion of Nakhchivan SSR into the Azerbaijan SSR
Nakhchivan SSR was granted autonomy

June 16, 1923

Third session of the Azerbaijan CEC confirmed the decision of All-Nakhchivan congress of Soviets

December 31, 1923

The Azerbaijan CEC adopted a decision on the turning of Nakhchivan Autonomous District into an Autonomous Republic

January 8, 1924

The first plenum of Transcaucasian CEC adopted a decision on turning the Nakhchivan Autonomous district into an Autonomous Republic

January 18, 1924

The governmental authorities of the Nakhchivan ASSR were set up in the plenum of the Nakhchivan CEC

February 9, 1924

The Azerbaijan CEC adopted a decision on the turning of Nakhchivan Autonomous District into the Nakhchivan  Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic

August 1, 1925

The first congress of Soviets of the Nakhchivan ASSR

April 18, 1926

First constitution of the Nakhchivan ASSR was adopted in the All-Nakhchivan congress of Soviets

February 18, 1929

The Transcaucasian Central Executive Committee adopted a resolution on joining of Gurdgulag, Khahcik, Horadiz, Oghbin, Aghkhach, Almali, Itgiran, Sultanbey villages of Sharur region and a part of lands of Gorchevan and Kilit villages of Ordubad district to Armenia

September 17, 1937

Second constitution was adopted in the Nakhchivan ASSR

July 24-27, 1938

First session of the first convocation of the Supreme Council of the Nakhchivan ASSR was held

September 12, 1967

Establishment of Nakhchivan branch of the Azerbaijan State Pedagogical Institute


Araz Hydroelectric Power Station was built

July 28, 1972

Pedagogical Institute opened in Nakhchivan

February 21-22, 1974

First Secretary of the Central Committee (CC) of the Azerbaijan Communist Party (CP) Heydar Aliyev visited Nakhchivan to award the order of "People's Friendship" to the Nakhchivan ASSR

October, 1974

The 50th anniversary of establishment of the Nakhchivan Autonomous Republic was marked
Airport was built in Nakhchivan

October 4-5, 1974

First Secretary of the CC of the CP of Azerbaijan Heydar Aliyev visited Nakhchivan to take part in the 50th anniversary celebrations of the Nakhchivan ASSR and award the order of “October Revolution” to the Nakhchivan ASSR

May, 1978

The second Constitution of the Nakhchivan ASSR was adopted

October, 1978

First Secretary of the CC of the CP of Azerbaijan Heydar Aliyev visited Nakhchivan

October 23, 1978

Babek region was established


Arpachay reservoir was built
Sirab water reservoir was built

May, 21-24, 1980

First Secretary of the CC of the CP of Azerbaijan Heydar Aliyev visited Nakhchivan

July 21, 1981

Huseyn Javid’s memorial flat was opened in Nakhchivan

October 1-2, 1982

First Secretary of the CC of the CP of Azerbaijan Heydar Aliyev visited Nakhchivan

November, 1982

Huseyn Javid’s corpse was brought to Nakhchivan and buried there

June 9, 1984

Huseyn Javid’s memorial flat opened in Nakhchivan


Beneniyar water reservoir was built

December 31, 1989

Ten thousands of people in Nakhchivan Autonomous Republic dismantled the barbed wires of the USSR border poles from Ordubad to Sadarak

January 18-19, 1990

Karki village of Sharur district of Nakhchivan Autonomous Republic was occupied by Armenians with the help of the 7th army of the USSR Ministry of Defence

January 19, 1990

According to the decree adopted by the Supreme Council of Nakhchivan ASSR “On sociopolitical situation emerged in Nakhchivan ASSR” Nakhchivan excluded itself from the USSR membership and declared itself as an independent republic in response to “Brutal violation the clauses of Kars Treaty, the threat for the citizens’ life and territorial integrity of the Autonomous Republic”

July 22, 1990

H. Aliyev arrived in Nakhchivan

November 17, 1990

Nakhchivan ASSR Supreme Soviet’s first session of the 12th convocation started its work under the chairmanship of H. Aliyev. The first session passed the resolutions “On changing the name of Nakhchivan ASSR”, “On Supreme State Authority of Nakhchivan AR”, “On State Attributes of the Nakhchivan Autonomous Republic”

November 21, 1990

Nakhchivan AR Supreme Majlis adopted a resolution worked out by Heydar Aliyev “On political assessment of tragic events took place in Baku in January, 1990”

December 14, 1990

Nakhchivan AR Supreme Majlis adopted the resolution worked out by a deputy Heydar Aliyev “On the attitude towards the situation in the NKAR of Azerbaijan SSR, Shaumyan district and Chaykend village of Khanlar district”

December 29, 1990

Establishment of Nakhchivan State University

March 14, 1991

The session of Nakhchivan AR Supreme Majlis adopted a resolution on non-participation of Nakhchivan AR at the All-Union Referendum for support of the USSR

April 16, 1991

Opening ceremony of the bridge providing a simplified border passage from Nehram village to Iran

September 3, 1991

Heydar Aliyev was appointed a Chairman of Supreme Majlis of the Nakhchivan Autonomous Republic

September 7, 1991

State Defence Committee of Nakhchivan AR was set up by the decision of Supreme Majlis of the Nakhchivan Autonomous Republic

October 29, 1991

Temporary bridge was opened between Nakhchivan and Turkey

December 16, 1991

Supreme Majlis of Nakhchivan AR adopted a resolution to commemorate the 31st of December annually as a Day of Solidarity of the World Azerbaijanis

 March 10, 1992

There was held a meeting between a Chairman of Supreme Majlis of the Nakhchivan AR Heydar Aliyev and the chairman of Supreme Council of Armenia B. Araksyan in the border post near Sadarak. Nagorno Karabakh issue and ceasefire was the subject of discussion.  

April 6, 1992

Nakhchivan AR Supreme Majlis adopted a resolution “On privatization of unprofitable farms and collective farms”

April 24, 1992

Movement of trains running from Baku to Nakhchivan and opposite direction was completely stopped

May 18, 1992

After a serious battle training Armenian forces attacked Sadarak

May 18-19

National Army troops took back the missed military positions near Sadarak

May 28, 1992

Prime Minister of Turkey S. Demirel came to Nakhchivan
“Umid” bridge was opened between Sadarak and Nakhchivan

August 18, 1992

The last soldier of the 75th Russian motorized infantry division was seen off. Heydar Aliyev participated at the signing ceremony of the act  on the complete hand over of the military properties to the National Army brigade

September 29, 1992

The last Russian border guards left the territory of the Nakhchivan AR. The documents on handover of all military and economic facilities of  Russia  to Azerbaijani border unit in Nakhchivan

October 24, 1992

Nakhchivan branch of Azerbaijan Popular Front’s armed forces made an attempt in coup d'état in Nakhchivan

October 25, 1992

The attempted coup was condemned in extraordinary session of Supreme Majlis of Nakhchivan AR and a parliamentary commission was set up in connection with disarmament of Azerbaijan Popular Front’s armed forces

November 21, 1992

Establishment of “New Azerbaijan Party” in Nakhchivan

December 3, 1992

A solemn meeting was held at Araz river bank station in connection with 40 megawatts of electricity supply by Iran to Nakhchivan
Opening of Shahtakhti-Poldasht checkpoint linking Nakhchivan with Iran

February 5, 1993

Consulate of the Turkish Republic in Nakhchivan started its activity

May 14, 1993

Delegations of Nakhchivan and Armenia met in frontier post between Sadarak and Ararat district. Heydar Aliyev and a deputy chairman of Supreme Council of Armenia A. Saakyan signed a communiqué on provision of security at the borderline settlements

June 9, 1993

Heydar Aliyev was invited to Baku by the leadership of Azerbaijan  for settlement of  the situation emerged after the armed clashes took place in Ganja

November 12, 1995

Taking the existing political-geographic position and international Moscow and Kars treaties into consideration the first Constitution of the Independent Azerbaijan gave the Nakhchivan Autonomous Republic the status of the Autonomous State


Jalil Mammadguluzade’s memorial flat was opened in Nakhchivan

October 29-31, 1996

Heydar Aliyev paid a visit to Nakhchivan
Husseyn Javid’s mausoleum was opened in Nakhchivan

March 13, 1998

Nakhchivan branch of the Secondary Military Boarding School of Republic named after J. Nakhchivanski was established in Nakhchivan

April 28, 1998

New constitution of Nakhchivan Autonomous Republic was adopted

December 29, 1998

New constitution of Nakhchivan Autonomous Republic was approved by Milli Majlis of the Republic of Azerbaijan

October 10-15, 1999

The President of the Republic of Azerbaijan Heydar Aliyev visited Nakhchivan to take part in festivities held on occasion of the 75th anniversary of Nakhchivan Autonomous Republic

March 23, 2000

Heydarabad district was established

June, 2002

Prominent artist Bahruz Kangarli’s memorial flat and Olympic Sports Complex were opened in Nakhchivan

June 15-18, 2002

Heydar Aliyev visited Nakhchivan

August 7, 2002

Nakhchivan branch of Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences was established

August 10-15, 2002

Heydar Aliyev visited Nakhchivan

August 14, 2002

Heydar Aliyev met privately with Armenian president Robert Kocharyan in the territory of Sadarak district

March 19, 2004

Kangarli region was established

May 12-15, 2004

The President of the Republic of Azerbaijan Ilham Aliyev visited Nakhchivan
International Airport was opened in Nakhchivan
Disabled Rehabilitation Center was opened in Nakhchivan

September 2, 2004

Ilham Aliyev visited Nakhchivan
National Defence Centre was opened in Nakhchivan

October 31, 2005

Nakhchivan Autonomous Republic Office of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Azerbaijan was established

December 19-20, 2005

Ilham Aliyev visited Nakhchivan
Youth Center was opened in Nakhchivan city
The Book House was opened in Nakhchivan
Water reservoir was put into operation in Nakhchivan

December 20-21, 2006

Ilham Aliyev visited Nakhchivan
Heydar Aliyev’s monument and Heydar Aliyev’s museum were opened in the center of Nakhchivan city
Modular power station was put into operation

October 17, 2007

Ilham Aliyev visited Nakhchivan
Opening of Shahtakhti-Poldasht checkpoint linking Azerbaijan with Iran

June 3-4, 2008

Ilham Aliyev visited Nakhchivan
Entertainment and Sports Centre was opened in Nakhchivan

June 4, 2008

“Duzdagh” physiotherapy centre was opened
Prime Minister of the Republic of Turkey Recep Tayyip Erdogan visited Nakhchivan

June 8, 2009

New grain storage was put into operation

August 3-4, 2009

Ilham Aliyev visited Nakhchivan
“Badamli” mineral water plant was opened in Nakhchivan city
Nakhchivan-Sadarak highway was opened

August 4, 2009

Solemn ceremony was held on occasion of the 85th anniversary of Nakhchivan Autonomous Republic

October 2, 2009

Ilham Aliyev visited Nakhchivan to participate in the 9th Summit of Heads of Turkic-speaking countries
President of Turkey Abdullah Gul, President of Kazakhstan Nursultan Nazarbayev and President of Kirghizia Kurmanbek Bakiyev visited Nakhchivan to participate in the 9th Summit of Heads of Turkic-speaking countries

October 3, 2009

The 9th Summit of Heads of Turkic-speaking countries was held in Nakhchivan city

October 5, 2010

Ilham Aliyev visited Nakhchivan
Opening ceremony of Bilev Hydroelectric Power Station of 22 MW capacity over Gilanchay river

February 17, 2011

Center for Nakhchivan Regional Ethnography of the Supreme Majlis of Nakhchivan Autonomous Republic was established

March 15, 2011

President of the Swiss Confederation Micheline Calmy-Rey visited Nakhchivan

June 21-24, 2011

International symposium titled “Nakhchivan: as a place of first habitation and town-building”

December 29, 2011

Inauguration of the monument of the Founder of the Turkish Republic Mustafa Kemal Atatürk took place in Nakhchivan city

March 7, 2012

Ministers of Foreign Affairs of Azerbaijan, Turkey and Iran had a meeting in Nakhchivan

May 30, 2012

Ilham Aliyev visited Nakhchivan
Opening of Nakhchivan-Julfa main highway
Cement plant was put into operation

February 28, 2013

President of the Republic of Georgia Michael Saakashvili visited Nakhchivan

September 9, 2013

Arpachay Hydroelectric Power Station was rebuilt in Sharur district

April 7-8, 2014

Ilham Aliyev made a visit to Nakhchivan
Solemn ceremony marking the 90th anniversary of Nakhchivan Autonomous Republic 
“Arpachay-1” Hydroelectric Power Station of 22 MW capacity and “Arpachay-2” Hydroelectric Power Station of 1.4 MW capacity were put into operation

July 5, 2014

International Conference titled “Autonomy of Nakhchivan is a historic achievement” was held.

October 24, 2014

Third Business Forum of Cooperation Council of the Turkic-speaking countries was held in Nakhchivan city

November 1, 2014

Reliable defence system was established at the mountain heights of the Nakhchivan Autonomous Republic.

December 2, 2014

People’s Poet Mammad Araz’s memorial flat was opened in Nursu village of Shahbuz region.

April 4, 2015

Festival of Fire of the “Baku-2015” First European Games was held in Nakhchivan.

May 5, 2015

Azerbaijan-Turkey joint military exercises were staged in Nakhchivan.

August 19, 2015

The 120th anniversary of outstanding military leader Jamshid Nakhchivanski’s birth was marked in Nakhchivan.

September 16, 2015

A new campus for the “Nakhchivan” University was put into operation.

December 1, 2015

President Ilham Aliyev visited Nakhchivan Autonomous Republic.
Reconstructed Shakarabad-Babek settlement-Nehram-Arazkend motorway ring road was opened.
Secondary school No. 2 in Nehram village was opened.
Music school No.2 in Nakhchivan city was opened.
Nakhchivan Autonomous Republic Hospital was opened.
Nakhchivan city water system was put into operation.
Nakhchivan Solar Power Plant was inaugurated.

January 21, 2016

The Foreign Intelligence Service of Nakhchivan Autonomous Republic was established

January 26, 2016

Presentation of a multivolumed-book titled “The history of Nakhchivan” in the Heydar Aliyev Museum in Nakhchivan city

May 25, 2016

Painters` Park named after Bahruz Kangarli was opened in Nakhchivan city

June 2, 2016

Order of the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan on the establishment of Islamic Culture Capital Nakhchivan-2018 Organizing Committee

June 17, 2016

“Alinjagala” historical monument and museum was opened on June 17
Chairman of the Supreme Assembly of Nakhchivan Autonomous Republic Vasif Talibov attended the opening ceremony

July 1, 2016

Gulustan tomb in Julfa region was restored

July 9, 2016

An international conference “Nakhchivan castles: in our history and day” at the Nakhchivan university

September 11, 2016

“West Terminal” of the Nakhchivan International Airport was opened

September 15, 2016

Physics and Mathematics Lyceum complex was opened in Sharur region

December 3, 2016

Writer and pedagog Eynali bay Sultanov`s 150th anniversary

December 29, 2016

Nakhchivan-Tabriz-Tehran-Mashhad passenger train was launched

January 11, 2017

President of the Republic of Azerbaijan Ilham Aliyev arrived in the Nakhchivan Autonomous Republic
A groundbreaking ceremony of Ordubad Hydroelectric Power Plant
A ceremony to launch drinking water supply and sewage systems in Julfa district center and surrounding villages and Shahbuz district and surrounding villages
An opening of a residential building constructed for officers and ensigns of the Ministry of Emergency Situations in Nakhchivan
An opening of a soldier barracks and military-household complex in a military unit of Detached Combined Arms Army in the Nakhchivan Autonomous Republic

May 3, 2017

President of the International Chess Federation (FIDE) Kirsan Ilyumzhinov has arrived in Nakhchivan
Nakhchivan-2017 international chess festival marking the 94th anniversary of national leader Heydar Aliyev was held

July 7, 2017

An international conference "Turkish-Islamic culture monuments of Nakhchivan: history and present-day” was held

September 12, 2017

A decree on the establishment of Nakhchivan Salt Museum was adopted

November 10, 2017

The event marking the 50th anniversary of Nakhchivan State University was held

December 7, 2017

Chairman of the Supreme Assembly of Nakhchivan Autonomous Republic Vasif Talibov has paid an official visit to the Islamic Republic of Iran

December 20, 2017

Prime Minister of the Republic of Turkey Binali Yildirim has arrived in the Nakhchivan Autonomous Republic for a visit

January 17, 2018

The distant Education Center of the Nakhchivan State University was putting into operation

April 25,2018

The Nakhchivan Museum of Salt was putting into operation

May 16,2018

The President Ilham Aliyev arrived in Nakhchivan Autonomous Republic
The opening of the first phase of the project "Reconstruction of drinking water-supply and sewage systems in Sharur city and surrounding villages"
The new building of the Nakhchivan Teachers' Institute was putting into operation.
The opening of the Nakhchivan city Cleaning Facility Complex.
The openning of full-time secondary school in Garakhanbeyli administrative district of Nakhchivan city.

May 21-24, 2018

The fourth International painting festival “Nakhchivan - the cradle of humanity”, dedicated to the 95th anniversary of the national leader Heydar Aliyev, was held in Nakhchivan

May 28,2018

The event dedicated to the 100th Anniversary of the Independence of Azerbaijan Democratic Republic was held on the main square of Nakhchivan city

June 20, 2018

The opening ceremony of “Nakhchivan the Capital of Islamic Culture - 2018” in the Nakhchivan State Musical Drama Theater

June 23, 2018

The opening of the Nakhchivan Museum of Military Glory in Nakhchivan city under the open air

July 5, 2018

The complex of "Garabaglar Tomb" was putting into the operation after the restoration

November 26, 2018

The First forum of young leaders of the Turkish Council was held In Nakhchivan City

November 26-December 1, 2018

In the city of Port Luis, a capital of the Mauritius, the UNESCO Intergovernmental Committee for the Safeguarding of the Intangible Cultural Heritage included the “Yally (Kochari, Tanzara) Nakhchivan traditional group dances” in the UNESCO List of Intangible Cultural Heritage in Need of Urgent Safeguarding

December 15, 2018

The closing ceremony, “Nakhchivan of the Capital of Islamic Culture -2018”, was held In Nakhchivan city, at the Heydar Aliyev Palace.

December 20, 2018

A new building of the Historical and Ethnographic Museum of the District of Sharur was putting into the operation

December 27, 2018

The fifth convocation of the ninth session of Supreme Assembly of the Nakhchivan Autonomous Republic was held

January 30, 2019

The Palace of Culture of the Dictrict of Shahbuz was put into operation.

April 15, 2020

The tomb of Yusif Kuseyir oglu was restored.

May 5, 2020

The Nakhchivan city ice-house was put into operation after reconstruction and restoration.

May 10, 2020

The Coastal Park was opened in Nakhchivan.

May 22, 2020

Badamli Mineral Water Plant was launched in Badamli settlement of Shahbuz region.

July 8, 2020

A new solar power plant was commissioned in the Kangarli region.

August 4, 2020

The Nakhchivan City Chemical-Biological Lyceum was inaugurated.

December 18, 2020

The State Examination Center of Nakhchivan Autonomous Republic was opened.

February 8, 2021

The action plan on marking the 100th anniversary of the Treaty of Kars in the Nakhchivan Autonomous Republic was approved.

June 5, 2023

President Ilham Aliyev signed a decree on the approval of the State Program for the Socio-Economic Development of the Nakhchivan Autonomous Republic of Azerbaijan for 2023-2027.

September 25, 2023

Ilham Aliyev and President Recep Tayyip Erdogan attended groundbreaking ceremony for Igdir-Nakhchivan gas pipeline.

December 30, 2023

President Ilham Aliyev signed a decree on the celebration of the 100th anniversary of the Nakhchivan Autonomous Republic.

September 1, 2024

The extraordinary parliamentary elections were held in Naxchivan Autonomous Republic.

March 5, 2025

Ilham Aliyev, President of the Republic of Azerbaijan, and Recep Tayyip Erdoğan, President of the Republic of Türkiye, attended opening ceremony of Iğdır-Nakhchivan gas pipeline via video link.